2024 Prescott Earth Day
Think Globally, Act Locally:
Every year Prescott, Arizona hosts the biggest Earth Day celebration in Yavapai County. The 2024 downtown Earth Day Celebration event is scheduled For April 20th, 09:00 am - 02:00 pm. Lining the courthouse square along Cortez Street you'll find booths and learning from all kinds of organizations, an even bigger child & youth area with hands-on projects & play, snacks for children, firefighters & waste management experts, and freebies all around-- Prescott is the place to be for Earth Day in Arizona. Escape the desert heat, meet new people, connect with inspiring local businesses and organizations, and join the international movement for our water, our wildlife, and our way of life. Here, in Prescott, Arizona.
#PrescottEarthDay #EarthDay2024
54th Anniversary of Earth Day
Global & Local Celebrations

Earth Day 101
On April 22, 1970, 20 million Americans took to the streets to demonstrate for their right to a healthy world. Earth Day 1970 received bipartisan support as everyone spoke out against oil spills, polluting factories, raw sewage, toxic dumps, pesticides, loss of wilderness, and the extinction of wildlife. By the end of that year, the first Earth Day had led to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts.
54th Anniversary
April 2024 marks the 54nd anniversary of the historic Earth Day demonstration. With many fun, organizations, schools, government agencies, businesses, and more are coming together to celebrate this exciting event. A full week of learning & action for our people and our planet - this is our Earth Day celebration.
Details about these events can be found on this page and on our Facebook and Instagram.
Prescott Earth Day & Earth Week
After celebrating Earth Day here in Yavapai County for decades, and following a record turnout of citizens at the 2019 Earth Day Celebration the City of Prescott officially declared the week of April 22nd "Earth Week". This declaration honored the hard work of many volunteers & non-profit organizations, and acknowledged the growing demand from Prescott's local community to protect the place we call home.